The company


Hans Peter Schneider

Hans Peter Schneider (right) has been the Managing Director of M3B GmbH since 2001 and is Chairman of the Management Board.


Tanja Evers
+49 421 3505-225

Ingo Gösling

Ingo Gösling (left) has been the Chief Executive Officer of M3B since 2023.


Antonia Lambertsen
+49 421 3505-225

Supervisory board

MESSE BREMEN is a division of M3B GmbH owned by the City of Bremen which was established on 1 January 2018.

The supervisory board is chaired by Kai Stührenberg, State Councillor for Ports. The deputy chairperson is Kerstin Kreitz, Head of Department at the Senator for Finance.


Logo Ausstellungs- und Messe-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V. AUMA = Link zur Website
Logo Interessengemeinschaft Deutscher Fachmessen und Ausstellungsstädte IDFA = Link zur Website
Logo German Convention Bureau GCB = Link zur Website

Exhibition departments and contact persons

CONGRESS BREMEN und guest events

Porträt Kordula Grimm

Kordula Grimm

Division director CONGRESS BREMEN and guest events

+49 (0) 421 3505-337

In-house trade fairs and special interest topics

Porträt Claudia Nötzelmann

Claudia Nötzelmann

Division director in-house trade fairs and special interets topics

+49 (0) 421 3505-377

In-house consumer fairs

Porträt Kerstin Renken

Kerstin Renken

Division director consumer fairs

+49 (0) 421 3505-353

Technical director and ÖVB-Arena

Porträt Andreas Adolph

Andreas Adolph

Technical director and division director ÖVB-Arena

+49 (0) 421 3505-235

In-house events


Current vacancies at MESSE BREMEN are listed on the M3B GmbH website.


MESSE BREMEN & ÖVB Arena is aware of its joint responsibility in protecting the environment and climate. A contribution is, for example, the installation of solar power systems on the roofs of Halls 4 to 7. They produce 750,000 kilowatt hours of electricity each year which corresponds to about 25 per cent of the venue’s energy requirements. Green electricity is used for the remaining sum.


green electricity


energy produced in-house


less energy consumption

A combined heat and power plant also produces heat with reduced CO2 emissions. The last event halls have been equipped with LED lamps in 2018, so that all halls including the ÖVB Arena can then be illuminated in an energy-saving manner.

Overall, energy consumption decreased from 4.4 million to 3.5 million kilowatt hours from 2006 to 2016 despite significantly more events being held here.

Code of Sustainability

MESSE BREMEN goes one step further when it comes to sustainability. It follows the Code of Sustainability of the German-speaking event industry, which contains ten guidelines for balancing economic, ecological and social aspects. Participation means a voluntary commitment to corporate responsibility for sustainability in the organisation and implementation of events. The current progress report of Messe Bremen is available for download.

Progress report 2020


In comparison to other exhibition centres in Germany, MESSE BREMEN is still relatively new: Halls 4 to 6 only opened in 1997 and Hall 7 completed the venue in the early 2000s. Since then, seven halls including the ÖVB Arena offer 40 000 square metres event space.

In the beginning, the venue was used mainly for hire business. However, today 110 events are held in MESSE BREMEN each year of which 60 are trade fairs and congresses.

MESSE BREMEN is very popular with external event organisers and one of the reasons for this is its central location and excellent accessibility. In addition, the adjoining outdoor area offers an extra 100 000 square metres. The 16 conference rooms in the Congress Centrum Bremen – also directly adjoining – offer space for between 15 and 1 600 participants.

Of the venue’s own events, it is the nine-day HanseLife consumer trade fair which will soon have 80 000 visitors per year which is the most popular. Likewise, the fish international, jazzahead! and the Bremen Classic Motorshow also attract an international audience.

1960 – 1964: Entstehung

Bau der Stadthalle Bremen (heute ÖVB-Arena), Halle 2 und 3.

Nach einem Architektenwettbewerb von 1995 wurde bis 1997 das Messe- und Veranstaltungszentrum der WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen nach Plänen der Architekten Gert Schulze (Bremen) mit Planungsgruppe Hagg, von Ohlen, Rüffer und Partner (Bremen) auf der Bürgerweide gebaut

1992 – 1997: Eröffnung

Eröffnung Congress Centrum Bremen (CCB).

Erst 1997 öffneten die Hallen 4 bis 6. Die Halle 7 komplettierte Anfang der 2000er-Jahre das Gelände. Die MESSE BREMEN ist bei auswärtigen Veranstaltern erkennbar gefragt, zum Beispiel weil sie mitten in der Stadt liegt und sehr gut zu erreichen ist. Zudem bietet das angrenzende Freigelände zusätzliche 100.000 Quadratmeter. In den 16 Tagungsräumen im Congress Centrum Bremen – ebenfalls direkt nebenan – können zwischen 15 und 1.600 Teilnehmer konferieren.

1995 – 2004: Expansion

During this period Halls 4 to 6 were rebuilt, Hall 7 was completed and Hall 1 converted. Of the venue’s own events, it is the nine-day HanseLife consumer trade fair which will soon have 80 000 visitors per year which is the most popular. Likewise, the fish international, jazzahead! and the Bremen Classic Motorshow also attract an international audience.

2010 – present day: Continued growth

In 2010, 54 events, of which 20 were internal, were held in MESSE BREMEN which together attracted 349 000 visitors to the halls. In this year, 8 580 exhibitors used 405 000 m² gross floor space to showcase their products and services.